
Public Sector Economics: Government policy and programme evaluation, reviews of the performance of state companies, case making to Government on behalf of private enterprises, local and community groups and trade associations.


Public Sector Economics: Government policy and programme evaluation, reviews of the performance of state companies, case making to Government on behalf of private enterprises, local and community groups and trade associations.

Project File

Examples of recent work by Dorgan Associates in the main fields of specialisation of the company.

Recent Work

Economic Evaluation of Investment in University Expansion

Recent Work

For Munster Technological University, a Cost Benefit Analysis of a proposal for a major expansion at the Bishopstown campus and a related evaluation of  the economics of a refurbishment of the original building.


  • Recent data from the CSO gives the Irish population at 5.5 million in April 2024 up by 41% since 2001. This is a very rapid rate of population growth. By contrast EU population grew by 5% in the same period. Migration is the key factor and has provided 54% of the total. As is to be expected migration likely also accounts for a high proportion of the increase in jobs. In the year to April 2024 net migration of over 25 year olds, presumably mostly coming to work, was the same as the total increase in employment - 50,000. Over the time since 2001 this age cohort of migrants was equal to about 54% of the increase in employment and suggests about half of employment growth is accounted for by migrants.

  • Inflation figures for January show that for the fourth month running inflation has increased on both sides of the Atlantic, including Ireland. In Ireland the rate in January was 1.9% having been half that in October. However, the flash estimate for February shows a drop from 1.7% in January to 1.3%. In the US the January rate is 3.0% but in the EU, it has dropped from 2.5% to 2.4%, both figures outside the monetary targets. The ECB cut rates in March, and cuts may take place due to the weak Euro economy, inflation notwithstanding. In the US growth is strong and in January the Fed held its main rate at 4.5%. and further cuts are off the table for the time being - though there is some concern about the impact of the administration's tariff policy.

  • The national accounts for the third furth were published early in March and show that GDP advanced 3.6% in that quarter. That leaves GDP 1.2% up for the year. Modified Domestic Demand had a better year and overall was up 2.6% on 2023. So far this year, i.e. January, the indices of industrial and services production are weak. Industry is down 3.4% and services only marginally up on end 2024. On the other hand, unemployment data for January and February show a continuing decline in the number and rate of unemployment, suggesting robust activity in the first quarter of this year, The AIB survey of purchasing managers for February is also positive with gains for both manufacturing and services. On balance the data suggest some gains for the economy in the first months of 2025.

Dorgan Associates provides management and economic consultancy to clients in the private and public sectors both in Ireland and abroad. The firm provides a wide range of  services in the areas of public sector economics, programme and policy evaluation, cost benefit analysis, sectoral studies and economic and social research.